Dalam Catatan Sejarah, Sri Ma (Sri Mara Warman) merupakan raja pertama kerajaan Funan yang legendaris, pada masanya Sri Ma banyak melakukan penaklukkan dan perluasan wilayah baik ke Nusantara maupun anak benua India, Sri Ma juga banyak melakukan pembaharuan dan restorasi di bidan pendidikan/ajaran dan budaya termasuk pembakuan standarisasi tulisan/aksara dan ajaran Nu/Nuo yg merupakan bagian dari ajaran Shaman-Tao
八卦 BA GUA (PA KUA / PAT KWA / PAK KWA) - 基大 JI DA (CHI TA) atau BA GUA GI TA (BAGAWAT GITA) mengandung ajaran dan praktek 金丹 JIN DAN (CHIN TAN) atau 金丹道 JIN DAN DAO (CHIN TAN TAO),
Ajaran 八卦 基大 BA-GUA JI-DA (PA KWA CHI TA) atau BAGAWAT GITA direpresentasikan ke dalam cerita ketika Kresna sebagai kusir Arjuna, mengajarkan ajaran tersebut kepada Arjuna yang hendak perang di perang kuru seta.
Ajaran 八卦 基大 BA-GUA JI-DA (PA KWA CHI TA) atau BAGAWAT GITA digubah dengan nama SASTRA JENDRA di JAWA.
Sejarah BA-GUA
Ba-Gua / Pa-Kua (Hanzi : 八卦; pinyin : ba gua) adalah delapan diagram atau simbol yang merupakan dasar sistem kosmogoni dan filsafat kepercayaan Tiongkok kuno. Dari catatan sejarah, orang pertama yang menemukan Pa Kua adalah Kaisar Fu Xi (2953 -2838 Sebelum Masehi) yang karena pengamatannya secara cermat dan seksama terhadap segala perubahan alam dan bentuk-bentuk kehidupan termasuk setiap gerakan tubuh, menyimpulkan bahwa semua pergerakan/perubahan di alam semesta dengan segala isinya berubah mengikuti hukum kehidupan atau hukum Alam.
Di lihat dari asal katanya, “ba” berarti delapan, sedangkan “kua” adalah trigram (tiga garis). Setiap “kua” terdiri dari tiga baris merupakan simbol Yao (bagian) yang berbentuk baris-baris terputus maupun yang tidak terputus; yang menyimbolkan bentuk Yin dan Yang. Menurut kosmogoni Tiongkok kuno, untuk menggambarkan ke empat musim yang membentuk Yin dan Yang, digunakan garis utuh dan garis bersela. Kombinasi dari empat garis utuh dan garis bersela merupakan lambang dari langit, angin, air, gunung, bumi, guntur, api, dan tanah. Di bagian tengah dari sebuah Ba Gua/Pa Kua terdapat bagan yang melambangkan asas Tai chi.
Kombinasi pergerakan Ba Gua/Pa Kua (Delapan Trigram), perpaduan Yin & Yang serta transformasi Wu Xing (Lima Elemen) merupakan komponen inti yang dipakai dan dikembangkan sedemikian rupa selama ribuan tahun inilah yang menjadi bagian dasar dari perhitungan Feng Shui /Hong Shui sekarang ini, tetapi ribuan tahun yang lampau Ba Gua / Pa Kua di jadikan pedoman hidup oleh masyarakat tiongkok kuno khususnya oleh bangsa Yue.
Restorasi Ajaran Nuo/Nu
Pada Masa pemerintahan Raja Funan Pertama yaitu Sri Ma (Mara Warman), Sri Ma banyak melakukan restorasi dan penggubahan Ajaran kuno Shaman/Nuo menjadi Vis-Nu (Visnu) dengan menitik beratkan pada pemahaman Ba Gua/Pa Kua untuk mencapai keselamatan hidup baik saat hidup maupun setelah meninggal, pemahaman Ba Gua/ Pa Kua di implementasikan kedalam sebuah karya sastra yang bernama Ba-Gua Ji-da(Bagawat Gita) yang merupakan implementasi dari pengetahuan dari Ba Gua/Pa Kua untuk mencapai keselamatan
Although the idea of the Golden Flower is best known through the Taoist text ‘The Secret of the Golden Flower’, the flower as a symbol for conscious light or conscious awareness, is a universal symbol. A flower grows from a seed.
This body is called the Field because a man sows seeds of action in it and reaps their fruits. Wise men say that the Knower of this Field is he who watches what takes place within this body. I regard discrimination between Field and Knower as the highest kind of knowledge. -- The Bhagavad Gita, Krishna speaking to Arjuna
The highest kind of knowledge is the knowledge of how to discriminate between the field, the lower self and the knower, the higher self. The Bible speaks in detail about sowing the seed in the Parable of the Sower.
A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trampled down, and the birds of the air devoured it. Some fell on rock; and as soon as it sprang up, it withered away because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it. But others fell on good earth, sprang up, and yielded a crop a hundredfold.” When He had said these things He cried, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” -- The Bible, Luke 8:4-15
One can view this parable on different scales. On the scale of a person`s lifetime, the seed represents a conscious teaching on how to awaken. Most people, if they hear about it, are not interested; the seed falls by the wayside and can`t sprout. Some people are interested, but as their interest is superficial, they deviate and become interested in other things; the seed falls on rocky ground. Other people are more serious but after truly starting to see themselves, the lower self cannot bear it and finds reason to quit.
So long as a man is not horrified at himself he knows nothing about himself. A man has seen in himself something that horrifies him. He decides to throw it off, stop it, put an end to it. But, however many efforts he makes, he feels that he cannot do this, that everything remains as it was. Here he will see his impotence, his helplessness, and his nothingness. And in feeling his nothingness a man should see himself as he really is, not for a second, not for a moment, but constantly, never forgetting it. -- Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous
For a few number of people, the seed will give fruit to some extent and for even fewer, it grows into a golden flower. On the scale of the moment, the seed refers to the impulse of becoming aware that one is asleep and seeing that ‘the light is not turned around’; to seeing one has no self-awareness.
When one turns around the light inward upon one‘s Self, the mind is not aroused by things, yin energy is arrested and the Golden Flower radiates, which is pure yang energy. -- The Secret of the Golden Flower, Ch 8
When the seed falls on ‘good earth’, it means that the seed connects to that part of one`s heart, that is interested in being present to one`s life and as a result one starts the effort to be aware of oneself in the moment. ‘Earth is an anagram of ‘heart’. Most of the time, however, when one is occupied with something ‘important’, the seed falls by the wayside or on rocky grounds. This means that at the moment of becoming aware of one`s sleep, one feels that whatever one is doing at that moment is more important than self-awareness. Starting self-awareness feels like an interruption and one continues one`s activities without turning the light around. Thorns (or weeds) springing up and choking a seed, refer to thoughts that interrupt self-awareness.
If you want to attain the Tao, you need to know how to submit to it and be receptive to it, and you must follow it correctly. It is also necessary to follow it correctly forever. If you are able to follow it correctly forever, there will be firmness in flexibility, unconcealed, unobscured, never changing till death. -- Liu Yiming, Hexagram #3 Difficulty, The Taoist I Ching
Image: The ideogram 光 meaning ‘light’, is hidden in the ideograms for Golden Flower — 金华, showing the hidden meaning of the Golden Flower, the internal light of self-awareness.
- https://www.facebook.com/thesecretofthegoldenflower/photos/pcb.2081071945533150/2081071535533191/?type=3&theater&ifg=1
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